Seaweed Caviar
Our seaweed caviar is an imitation of lumpfish roe, made from seaweed. It is advantageously used in both hot and cold dishes as an ingredient and decoration. The natural dyes in the product do not discolour and are therefore well suited as a decoration on, for example, sandwich cakes and in salads.

Donec enim velit, aliquam sit amet suscipit id, vulputate ullamcorper odio. Vivamus id enim sit amet tellus cursus volutpat nec a mi. Aenean id feugiat nisl, vel dignissim enim.
Nulla lacinia, dolor eget placerat tincidunt, mi libero malesuada lorem, a auctor risus lectus vel nunc. Curabitur varius malesuada mi eu aliquet. Pellentesque elementum lacinia metus non venenatis.
Quisque in ex rhoncus, pulvinar urna gravida, volutpat diam. Fusce posuere sed arcu a ultrices. Integer convallis ligula et efficitur tempus. Vestibulum blandit nunc dolor, eleifend malesuada lacus rutrum id.
Vår svarta tångcaviar är ett utmärkt vegetariskt alternativ.
Our greatest responsibility is to manage the trust our customers have for us and to ensure that they always receive high quality products. Hence, the raw material we use is always fished out of safe stocks and we quality assure each product before it reaches the consumer.